Wiring A Bead - Beaded Links & Wirewrapped Links

Wiring a bead is as easy as 1-2-3!

When making an earring, pendant or charm (any thing wired with a loop at only one end) use a headpin.

 Place the bead that you want at the bottom of your piece in the headpin. If the bead has a right or wrong way up you need to put the bottom of the bead nearest the head.

  1. Bend the headpin above the bead at approximately a 45 degree angle. Cut the headpin to leave approximately 8mm above the bead.
  2. Use round-nose pliers to grip the head of the wire and then twist your wrist to "roll" the pliers. This will make a loop in the wire which you can adjust by re-positioning your pliers and turning until you are happy that the loop is secure and even.
This technique can be used for wire from a reel too, this will give you a wired bead with a loop at each end. To save wastage add your bead to the reel and make a loop before cutting the wire approximately 8mm from the other side of the bead. Make a loop at the other end.

To join wired beads simply open the loop by twisting it to the side with pliers (never open loops outwards as this will ruin the shape of your loop). Put the opened loop through the closed loop of another wired bead and then close the loop.

Top tip; I always make a loop at the top of my headpin after stage 1 so that when I cut my headpin I have a spare piece of wire with a loop at one end, ready to use as an eye-pin.

Wire-wrap for a great look and added security.

Make a loop above the bead using your round-nose pliers, leaving a small gap where you want your wire to be wrapped. Don't cut the wire yet.

Use your pliers to hold the loop while you wrap the wire around the stem using your fingers or another pair of pliers if you find it easier. Coil the wire around snuggly with no gaps, this may take practice.

When you have filled the space and the bead is secure trim the wire flush and press the end in with your pliers. Then just straighten up your loop so that the bead hangs nicely.

To join this kind of loop to another wired bead you will need jumprings, or join beads before wrapping.

Make Your Life Easier

There are some great tools on the market and if you really want to make your life a lot easier I recommend Wubbers Lopping Pliers. I reviewed these in this post. I really love them.


Anonymous said...

Cool! Nice instructions and lovely clear pics. Looking forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abi,
I just love the idea of this site. I think your photographs and explanations are brilliantly clear.Well done. Maureen Creatifbeads.com